From the insanity of Panic and Anxiety Disorder to the calm through fitness.. This is my transformation story.


Hormones rule the world!

I had a major set back 2 weekends ago. Well, actually the set back ended up being the catalyst for me to get aggressive and do something about this. Through the course of the last few months I have determined that whatever is ailing me isn't anxiety or panic, it's hormonal. I have the iPeriod App on my iPhone and I've been tracking my moods and symptoms and it's all revolving around my cycle.

I have been saying since this nightmare started in 2004-2005 that it was hormonal. All of my symptoms point to it, but because "doctors know best" i believed them when they told me "anxiety". Thanks for the label! So I've been suffering with "anxiety" for nearly 10 years now. It's put my life in a stand still, and I'm pissed. NO MORE!

A couple of weekends ago, i had an unexplained, unprovoked, crazy - insane episode that made me want to admit myself to a rubber room! I'm not kidding! Instead, I called my BFF and her Fiance (who's practically a doctor) and they came over to my house and he discussed everything that i was going through with me. He feels that it's hormonal too, but what is causing it, and has been the culprit for so many years going undetected?

He pointed me in the direction of an endocrinologist, because those are the docs that handle things like this.. REALLY?!? I thought they were just for diabetics.. had i known..... but i digress. He also gave me an idea of what type of tests they should run, great! i have a starting point.

The rest of the weekend i suffered in silence, but i now had a light shining at the end of the tunnel so i was motivated and felt a little at ease despite the symptoms being overwhelming. I researched the doctors in my plan that fell into the category of doctors i needed.

First thing that Monday i started calling to make appointments. The first office i tried calling, Dr. Cobin in Ridgewood NJ, her staff was absolutely RUDE, short, no help at all, i refuse to be a part of a practice to be treated like garbage. The next doctor, no answer. The 3rd doctor, staff was unbelievably friendly and helpful so i booked my appointment, but not until January 18th! WHAT?! OK I'll suffer. In the meantime, I'll make an appointment with the Internal Medicine/Family Practice doctor my hubby goes to.

3 days later i met with a great, younger female doctor that listened to every single one of my symptoms. Talked to me about what I've endured the last 10 years. Made a photocopy of the list of symptoms I wrote down, and discussed tests, and what she feels is the culprit. Her goal: find out WHY.

I'm scheduled for pelvic ultrasounds next week to check the ovaries for cysts, an EKG to address the fluttering i get in my chest to rule out and cardiac problems, and 6 vials of blood to run all the tests that will possibly lead to the issue.. If anything, a base-line for the endocrinologist to start with.

When i told her who the Endo-Dr was she was happy with my choice. She knows the doctor and gave him high praises, as did the patients that left their recommendations all over the Internet. I feel better knowing i will end up in good hands in January, and that i finally found a doctor that isn't brushing this off as anxiety or stress. Who doesn't have stress!?! lol

In the meantime, Monday is my pelvic ultrasound, i hate those, but it has to be done. I'll keep you updated on  the results of that. I can't wait to get this over with so i can be a productive member of society again!

Here is a list of symptoms that i was experiencing for 5 days straight:
Heart Palps/Rapid Heart Beat
Night Sweats
Extreme Hot Flashes that lasted for HOURS
Anxiety/Panic feeling
Sensitivity to light, smells, sounds
Severe oily skin
Trouble Concentrating
Couldn't Remember anything
Sever bouts of uncontrolled hysterical crying
No Appetite
Tingling in my hands and feet

The hardest part was the hot flashes and the nausea. When i say hot flashes they didn't come and go. I was extremely hot for hours on end, the cooling off/tremors started at around 10pm at night, then i would have night sweats, and when i say hot, i don't mean I'm uncomfortably warm, I'm sweating, and feel like I'm on fire. I could literally sit outside in a bikini and melt a 10 foot pile of snow with my hands and not feel a bit of cold. That's extreme - that's the scary part. I don't think stress or anxiety carries all of these symptoms at once, in fact i know it doesn't. Thankfully I'm on the road to getting this resolved and have doctors that actually care now.