From the insanity of Panic and Anxiety Disorder to the calm through fitness.. This is my transformation story.



Most people hate change. Some people despise change. Others embrace change.
Those that embrace it understand that in order for life to flow, and for them to grow change is a necessity.
I, myself, sit on the fence with change., though i know it is needed in order to grow and life to flow. If it’s something i can control i will research the heck out of it in order to make an educated decision. If it’s something that life throws at me, that i cannot control, i hold my nose and jump in and pray there is no undercurrent to hold me down.
Because i have anxiety disorder, change can be a double-edged sword for me. When my company moved 4 exits farther than it was originally located (where i drove everyday for 5.5 years) my stomach turned the closer and closer the move date came. I couldn’t understand why though because the company i was with previously was located just a block from my company’s new location, and i drove THERE for 4 years. The more my boss talked about it the more anxious i became, and the sicker my stomach got.
Once the move happened though i was fine, i worked 12 hour days, sometimes 6 days straight, for about 2 months. Work needed to be done, customers needed to be serviced and no one else but a couple other people put the time in so it made more work for me and the others. I didn’t mind though because i was a part of something bigger, management was watching us like hawks and i wanted to shine and this was my opportunity, and we did.
Not only did we receive OT pay for the time put in, but during our company open house (where all vendors, and customers and my fellow co-workers attended) the owner of the company paid us high praises for the work that we did, the dedication we had to the company and the sacrifices we made. That didn’t sit well with those that we dubbed “the slackers’. Oh well i say!
Now that the dust has settled, my department is still evolving and changing and i’m happy about it. I do not fear it, but i do analyze everything to see how it will impact both us and other departments. The perfect pairing in my opinion!
Are you getting everything out of life that you want? Are you stuck in a lull?
You must ask yourself… How do I embrace change?
Change may be uncomfortable at first, but it’s much needed to grow and become the person you want to become.

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