From the insanity of Panic and Anxiety Disorder to the calm through fitness.. This is my transformation story.


FINALLY! A Little More Normalcy

I went to see my 2nd favorite man today! My Stylist! w00t w0000t! Steve over at Antoine's Salon in Ridgewood NJ is always so good to me. My hair came out FABULOUS! I probably should have taken before and after pics, but I was more focused on just getting those dead locks highlighted and removed.

My anxiety was getting the better of me while I waited for him to finish with the client before me (I always get to places early, especially when you have to park on the street) and I wanted to cancel and run home as fast as possible, but I didn't. I think it was the music that was playing that triggered it, for a normal person it was nice music, it wasn't loud and obnoxious or anything but each track was like 10 minutes long... I felt like I was on a bad acid trip…

Once he got me in the chair and started conversing with me I was fine, he also changed the music for me to Lady Gaga's new album (which I have only heard a few songs from - GREAT ALBUM!) I was bopping and swaying in the chair while my locks were getting lighter, managed to get some good core exercises in doing that lol. I'm glad I didn't split for the safety of my home and endured the couple of hours it took to make me pretty again. They were even kind enough to go feed the meter my car was parked at so I wouldn't get a summons.

After the lightening process was complete the hair had to be chopped off... with the prenatal vitamins my hair and nails are growing like weeds on fertilizer... Miracle Grow to be specific. Ahhhh... not that I need to lose any more weight but I think I lost a couple of pounds of dead hair, and the color? He's a pro! lol

While Steve was chop-choppin at my locks I noticed that my chest (internally) was sore. That realization led me to close my eyes and focus on my breathing. I was literally holding my breath! I wasn't aware of it until my body sent me a signal. I mean how does one NOT breathe? What little air I was taking in was being chambered into the upper part of my lungs, and my diaphragm was in my throat! My arms were also very tight and my shoulders where up by my ears, like I was preparing to be hit by a snowball or something. I had to literally push my stomach out as if I were making a pot-belly and breathe all of my air in all the way into my belly and blow it out from my belly. Thankfully, I had taken Yoga in the past because I used the breathing techniques I learned from my instructor to help with my current situation.

The end result... A new awareness of the subconscious me, a new playlist added to my iPhone and iTunes accounts, a sore core, healthier hair, some good social interaction, and a prettier me!

I have to go dance to my new Gaga album - that's my workout for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I find this interesting. I used to get panic attacks. I found them to be related to stress, lack of food, and lack of sleep. At least sometimes. For many years, I was on prozac to control it. With Beachbody workouts and Shakeology (and the encouragement of a great doctor), I've recently gone off of Prozac. And it's been a month. And I'm ok. I'm HOPING it stays that way! I hope things stay better for you, too!
